
Monday, October 11, 2010

CM USE FACEBOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!! Teacher first time nvr block sio!! LOOOOOOOng time nvr update le..miss my post rite!! hahahahahahaaha..I VERY DE SIAN SIA..can someone entertain me..make me laugh , cry , die oso can..Guys play Dota girls watch K-POP but i do nth...got 1 stupid dog beside me nw sio!! somemore is s bulldog!! Not cute at all !!! Class outing on 29 oct woohoots!!! throw all the octber babies into the pool!! Make Safiy's house until like shit!!bring dog to Safiy's house !! Muahahaahah..nw exam everyone jiayous except for Safiy! muackx

Where I stopped 10:02 AM.


Fiona is my name
Im 15 , Studyin in Clementi town , and i love him :D
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get one from cbox!
▪ My 15th birthday
name name name
June 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.